4th June 2018 mario


Originally posted on 22/02/18


Hello and welcome to Empathy and Anarchy!

I’m Mairéad pronounced like parade with an ‘m’ and I write and fight for what is right.

I care deeply about the world and all of the people in it. I have what I like to call a ‘fire in my belly’ when it comes to humanitarian issues which have in recent times reached inferno levels, leaving me no choice but to respond to the blaze by trying to make a difference in this world; whatever form that may take.

I thought a good place to start is by seeing the world I want to work for. I believe the best way I can help is to understand and to understand I must experience. So here I am, writing my way around the world in a bid to scratch that deep humanitarian itch and hopefully contribute in some way or create positive change as I go. This could lead me anywhere and I’m completely ok with that. Sometimes you just have to hop on that train, even if you don’t know where it’s going. You also never know who you might meet.

The adventure, as well as my musings, will be documented here at Empathy & Anarchy; a name which reflects both my life and the world we live in. You can generally find me in the better part of two extremes; moving mountains or taking spectacularly to the couch, decked out on the dancefloor in red carpet glamour or meditating barefoot on the edge of a cliff, working in a newsroom and then a nursey or eating kale followed by a kebab, that type of thing. Despite spending years feeling I must ‘choose one’, I can now confirm that I am both. The same goes for the world we live in. There is so much good out there, within each of us and happening every day but it can so often be smothered by the turbulence that coexists alongside it.

So what can you expect from me? Well my background is in media and communications and I’ve worked as a journalist, so writing is my jam. I fly the flag for human rights, equality and fairness and believe there is more that connects us in this world than separates us. I’m not afraid to challenge or question and I also welcome my own view being challenged and questioned in return. I am always open to other ways of seeing the world and welcome all voices, especially from those whose experiences differ from my own. What better way to learn and evolve. I care about the world we share together so my posts will likely span from people, places and politics to love, life and laughter, because after all, what’s life without some belly laughing. You can expect honesty, passion, compassion, adventure and it wouldn’t be me if there weren’t a little sass.

This blog is for you if you if you want to know what the four corners of the earth looks like and who lives there, if you too have a humanitarian spirit, if you are curious, if you want to read another side of a story, if you are just looking for a lunchtime read, if you like pictures, are seeking inspiration or motivation, if you care for words, are interested in adding another site to your scrolling list, want another opinion to challenge or just for you to enjoy.

Either way, join me on this adventure. Who knows what the universe has in store.

Read my words, tell me yours.

Let’s create and do something great.

Peace and love,

M x

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